In the past couple of weeks we have been able to get a lot of family time in! Earlier in the month, Mom, Dad, Grandma Kreher, and Aunt Barb all got to come down and visit us in Alabama. Grandma had a Navy reunion near by. It was great to see everyone!
Steve and I didn’t get to visit with them too long because we took the opportunity to have babysitters for Sydney and went to the Bears/Falcons game in Atlanta. Before we went into the game we tailgated for a while with a great family from Chicago. They were kind enough to take that picture of me and Steve in front of the stadium.
As we were driving home from Atlanta, Mom and Dad were taking Sydney up to Illinois for a week. She loves going up there and has been doing great in the car ride. She even got to celebrate her cousins’ 1st birthday while she was there! (Happy Birthday Alex, Logan and Nick!) She also went to the Children’s museum and Boo at the Zoo. I met Mom and Barb half way up on the weekend and brought her home. It turns out I don’t know what to do with myself when she isn’t home.
When Sydney got back from Illinois, she went back to school and they took a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
This week the Wise family is visiting us (Linda, Gene, and Lori). Sydney loves all of the attention. I have to say I really enjoy having visitors. It allows me to take a break without actually having Sydney too far away. Sydney is going over to our friends’ house tonight to go trick or treating. She is going to be a witch.
As for Lil Bit (don’t ask, Steve and I do not have agreement on a name yet), he is growing right on schedule to be another 8 pound baby. To look at me, you would be surprised that I have 2 more months to go. I am running out of room. It is good that he is very active but has been getting the hiccups a lot recently. It is driving me crazy!
That’s all for now. Hopefully my next post will include pictures from trick or treating tonight.
- Ang