Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back home & Back to Work

We are back from Halas' first trip to Illinois. The good news is that Halas travels very well. The bad news is that we took up a stomach bug that wiped out most of our family (for those of you infected, again, we are very sorry).

I got a call from Sydney's school on a Monday that she had a stomach bug. I picked her up and by that afternoon, Steve and I were sick too. We took Tuesday to recover and were very thankful that the baby wasn't sick. On Wednesday we headed up to Illinois to see our family before I went back to work. On the drive up there, Halas started to spit up a lot but we didn't know if it was the bug or the bumpy ride. It turns out it was the stomach bug and it was very nasty and contagious.
Wednesday evening we got into town and went out to dinner with family. I did warn everyone that they could only hold Halas at their own risk of getting sick. Of course, nothing could keep the grandmas away. The next day both Grandma Carol and Grandma Linda were sick within about an hour of each other. Next Uncle Brandon went down, along with Aunt Lori, and finally Aunt Tiffany and Papa B. I think even Uncle Adam ended up with it.
While we were in town, between infecting everyone, we got to see my nephews. They are growing so big! We all went to get pictures taken of the grandchildren. I am excited to see how they turn out. I also went up to see an Illini game (which they won meaning that my mojo is back!)
Steve and I brought Halas home on the following Sunday. Sydney came back home a couple of days later with the Wise family who visited us for the week.
Last Monday Halas went to the doctor for his 2 month appointment. He measured 24.5 inches (91%) and weighed in at 12 pounds 6 ounces (67%). He is long and lean. He also got 4 vaccinations which put him in a pretty grumpy mood.
I went back to work last Thursday. I figured I would start half way through the week to ease back into it. Yesterday was Halas' first day at daycare. He did great. Today he even got to visit Sydney in her class. She is very proud of him.
Here is a picture of Halas at 2 months. I also put a picture of Sydney at 2 months for comparison (she's the one in purple).
- Ang