Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not much new

We don't really have too much going on here. Sydney is still doing great as a big sister. She helps re-stock diapers, throw dirty ones away, and is kind of like a baby monitor if I go into another room ("Mom, Brother is CRYING!"). She got to go on a field trip last week to Sci-Quest, a children's museum in town, and had a really good time.

I have started doing some work from home in an attempt to both stay in the loop and put in some hours to delay going back full time.

Halas is still eating and growing well. We almost have worked out a routine too. He takes a long nap around 5:00 when Steve and Sydney come home. That is good timing to make and eat dinner and play with Sydney for a while. Then, he goes to bed around midnight, gets up once to eat, and then wakes up for the morning around 6:00. About the same time he finishes eating it is time to get Sydney ready for school.

Here is a video I took of him yesterday checking himself out in the mirror.

- Ang

1 comment:

12345 said...

Ang- He's ADORABLE, and already so curious! I love the video!